Glennsta delivered his mounting yard mail from his Coogee pad on Wednesday for the first time ever and he was a little rattled to say the least.
"I got up early and did a bit of extra work considering I'd only be able to do the mail off the TV coverage today" he said.
"I received a stack of messages from our punters saying they were really happy with the set which is great.We only seem to get 2 minutes of recorded coverage of the yard on Wednesday's so if that continues I guess it's going to be more of a 'late mail' service. As long as there are winners we'll be right" he said.
Glenn went on to say he fears the biggest risk to racing is if the stewards start to get the virus.
"We don't have many stewards as is, so I worry what happens if one of the boys gets it. Who will run the meetings?".
"My second concern are the ambulances. Assuming this all keeps getting worse how is the racing industry going to be able to justify an ambulance follow the field around at every race meeting" he said.
Regardless at this point we race on and obviously Glenn and most punters are very happy about it.